Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fripp Fanart

May be available before the comics are, at this point. I can't actual sit down and draw right now, with School, Requests, Chaos G and the new site, and just Life in general.

Yes, I shamefully admit I have done nothing since my last post but a request and some pc graphics. It's probably not good that I'm telling you this.

Soon, SOON, it will be up! I swear to this on my Mother's grave. And yes, she has one. It's from 2000. So when I get my but into gear and finish page one I'll be back!! I might finish it today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just an update on the FSS (file share server):

I DO NOT know if I can connect to the scanner yet; I [i]should[/i] be able to but I have yet to try with my laptop. I suppose if the xbox can print screenshots right now my laptop can wirelessly accept scanner documents, but as it hasn't successfully connected to the printer since I moved I honestly don't know. I haven't tested it yet. I am also behind right now, with second semester starting and three of my major classes being this semester (history, english h, and precalc).

HOWEVER, I plan to run a test before friday. Even if I only scan in a pic of a design or something. ;D I AM working on everything! And I didn't grab my sketchpad this morning or I'd draw during class while the teachers go over rules yet again... I heard them four times yesterday, they'll repeat them all again today. *sigh*

I'll post whatever I scan in as a test, probably on Mythic Anarchy.

Anyways, I gtg for now.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Updates (M2B)


~First of all, I will be annotating any Mail2Blogger posts with "(M2B)" in the title; this is one of those.
~Second, I do NOT have spell check from where I am posting this. This is actually much like texting my blog.
~Third, if random parts seem to be in caps, I can't help it. Please bear with me here and just add a comment about it or misspellings on the post.
~Fourth, we now have a file share set up! I [i]should[/i] be able to post the pages soon.
~Finally, I am going to be setting this up for both Mythic Anarchy and Mythic the Novelist soon. I meant to do it over the break but I forgot somewhere along the way.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Testing Mail2Blogger

Testing, testing, 123... Hello? I am trying to post via email ^.^

Fripp's Weapon with the Super Long Name's Name

The weapon with the super long name will return! The original name is:

my new SuperDuper-Mega-Popcorn-Cotton-Candy-Shooting-Remote-Control-Revolver-Blasting-Flamethrower-thingymabobthatshootsthingymajigs!

Wow, it looked longer when it first came out.